Kenyan Scammer Warren Ouma, Scam and Blackmail

Warren Ouma; The Digital Scammer Behind, and Others

With the widespread use of the internet, the number of scams and frauds has also recorded a massive increase. With every advancement, there are always challenges and this seems to be the case here as well. Cybercrimes have become rampant, especially in the online investment and trading landscape, which means you need to do your research before proceeding.

It is true that in most cases, the cybercriminals are able to leverage the anonymity that the internet offers to get away with their activities. But, there have been plenty of advancements to help identify perpetrators by linking them to the scams and frauds they are associated with. This is the same scenario applicable to Warren Ouma, an individual hailing from Nairobi, Kenya, who has become notorious in the online trading and investment community because of his alleged involvement in shady and fraudulent online activities.

In the case of Ouma, he has used his knowledge of the digital wilderness to introduce platforms that scam and exploit people and businesses. While he is said to be associated with numerous scams, two of the platforms are said to be very prominent. He is linked with and

In today’s digital age, when people are searching for online brokers or platforms for making investments, they first do their research. Not only does this help in finding the best platform, but also helps people in avoiding fraudulent platforms. This research involves checking reviews and is a website that provides reviews on these platforms.

This might sound helpful because you will be able to learn about various platforms in one place, but not when the reviews are all fabricated. It turns out that is conducting reputation extortion, which is a malicious practice, often carried out by cybercriminals. It involves fake and fabricated negative reviews being published about entities to damage their reputation. It is understood that no legitimate platform would want their reputation to take the hit because it can affect their bottom line down the road.

Therefore, they attempt to address the issue with and when they do, they are asked to pay a hefty fee to get the said fake negative review removed. Thus, the website threats the reputation of the business to extort them. It is not just the entities that suffer, but also those who rely on the website for making their decisions are misled. has been linked with Warren Ouma and this is just the tip of the iceberg. – Ponzi scheme

Another platform with links to Warren Ouma is It leaves quite an impression the first time when you check it out because it seems to be capable of generating massive returns on investment for its clients. Who does not want to make high profits without making much of an effort? It sounds like a blessing and this can convince many people to invest their money, which is exactly what cybercriminals like Ouma count on.

You will soon discover that is just a false front for a Ponzi scheme that does not really have a legitimate business model. Even though it claims to use AI tools for crypto staking and investing in the forex and other financial markets, it does no such thing. Instead, it follows the standard Ponzi scheme structure; taking money from new victims to satisfy the older ones and on and on it goes.

Warren Ouma’s activities

Operating from Kenya, Ouma has set up his own company by the name of Delipress Kenya, which shows that he has created a rather sophisticated network to hide his activities.

Address: 71489 00622 Nairobi Kenya 00100 KE

Phone Number: +254.0740955210

Warren Ouma

Bottom Line

The sophisticated scams that operators like Warren Ouma have been carrying out, such as and, make it apparent that you have to be extremely thorough in your research in order to stay safe. Otherwise, you could also become a victim of such scams.